Logitech Wireless Combo MK220

 Logitech Wireless Combo MK220

Logitech Wireless Combo MK220

Few days ago i bought a Logitech Wireless Combo MK220. It is a keyboard with an mouse included. There is a plenty feature that written on the case of this product. Those are as written below; The compact keyboard-and-mouse combo With all the right keys • Space-saving design with all the standard keys • Reliable 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity with 10-meter (33-foot) range1 • 24-month keyboard and 5-month mouse battery life2 Contoured for comfort Smooth cursor control (1000 dpi) Scroll wheel for easy navigation Compact design, designed to look good The compact keyboard is 36% smaller than our standard keyboards— with all the standard keys. And its stylish design will look good with your current setup. Powerful, reliable connections You get a reliable connection up to 10 meters (33 feet) away, with virtually no delays or dropouts-even in the busiest wireless environments—thanks to Logitech Advanced 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity.' Batteries that last A 24-month keyboard and 5-month mouse battery life—plus auto-sleep—mean vou can watch YouTube'" videos, catch up on Facebook' and explore Pandora" for months without the hassle of changing batteries/ Feel-good typing You'll be comfortable with this keyboard thanks to the low profile, whisper quiet keys and full-size number pad. Your laptop + Logitech = comfort Yes. your laptop can be as comfortable as it is convenient. With Logitech laptop accessories you can create a clutter-free workspace that feels "iust right." Pick the perfect mouse for precise cursor control. Add a keyboard with number pad and say "so long" to cramped typing, sweaty palms and accidental touchpad input. Bring it all together with a riser to help improve your posture. Your arms and wrists may thank you. Important argonomlc Informitlon. Long periods of repetitive motion using an improperly set-up workspace, incorrect body position, and poor work habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles. If you feel pain, numbness, weakness, swefflrg, burning, cramping, or stiffness in your hands, wrists, arms, shouWers, neck, or back, see a qualified neatth professional. For more information, please read the Comfort Guidelines located on the Logitech web site at http://www logitech.com/comfort, or on the Logitech Software CD. Do not immerse product in any liquid or expose it lo heat or moisture. There are no serviceable parts. Gau 1 LEO products. The product contains Class 1 LED, Operating temperature between 5°C (41 *F) to 406C (104° F). Clan 1 laiar products. International standards and safety, Logitech Class 1 laser products comply with International Standard IEC 60825-1:2007, Cla«s 1 Laser Pioduct, and also comply with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except "or deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No, 50, dated June24,2007:1) Emission ot one parallel beam or two parallel beams (for devices that can track on g ass) of infrared user-invisible light; 2) Maximum power of 716 microwatts CW, wavelength range 832 — 865 nanometers; 3) Operating temperature between 5"C (41 °F) and 40"C {104° F), CAUTION! There is a risk of radiation exposure if product is misused or disassembled. Cliti 1M laiar products. International standards and safety. Logitech Class 1M laser products comply with international Standard IEC 60825-1:2007, Class 1W Laser Froduct. Logitech Class 1M laser products also conpty with 21 CFR iD40.l0and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24,2007, as follows: 1I Emission of diverging beam of minimum +/-?c of infrared user-invisible light; 2) Maximum power of 14 milliwatts CW, wavelength range 832 - 865 nano¬meters; 3) Operating temperature between5*C (41 'F) and 40DC (104° F). CAUTtONI Invisible Law Radiation. There is a risk of radiation exposure if product is misused or disassembled. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100mm may pose an eye hazard INVlflllC LAMB RADIATION DO NOT VIIW DIRECTLY WITH OPTKAL INSTRUMCNTS CUli 1M LASH PROOUH Additional compliance Information. Tc obtain additional information about Class 1 L£D, Class 1 lasers, Class IM lasers, cr other compliarKe-relat?d matters, go to httpi/^vwwJogitech.com/compliance. or call Logitech customer support. (Customer support telephone numbers are listed in the product documentation .) Mttary warning! Risk of explosion or pertonal injury If batteries are replaced by iicorrect type, mutilated, or exposed to conducting materials, liquk, fire, or heat (above 54° C or 130° F). Do not use or recharge damaged rechargeable batteries Do not mix battery types Dispose of spent or damaged barteries according to manufacture! instructions and local laws. Pm*r supply warning! Caution electric short/fire hazard I Tor indoor use only. Do not expose to moistLre, liquid, or heat. Do not use any other power supply with yoLt icKjitech product. Device pairing limitations. Some Unifying devices may be limited in the number of times they can be paired (connected) to d unifying receiver, Although the number of pairings possible may vary, the minimum number of available pairings rs45, Logitech hardware product limited warranty Logitech warrants to the original purchaser that yew Logitech hardware product shall be free from defects m material and workmanship for (be period of time, identified on your product package and/or contained m me user documentation, from the date of purchase. You may also find this information by selecting youi product in the Onhne Support section of our website at www, logitech.com/suppoi i Except where prohibited by applicable law, this warranty i& nontransferable and is limited to the original purchaser. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary under local laws Logitech's entire liability and your exclusive remedy for any b each of warranty shall be, at 1-ogrtectVs option, to repair or replace the hardware, provided that the hardware is returned to the point of purchase or sudi other nlace as Logitech may direct with a copy of the sales receipt and/or local warranty card. Shipping and handling charges may apply, except where prohibited by applicable law, Logitech may, at its option, use rww or refurbished or used parts in good working condition to repair or replace any hardware product. Any replacement hardware product wHI be warranted for at least the remainder of the original warranty period. Ths warranty does not cover problems or damage resulting from (1) accident, abuse, misapplication, or any unauthorized repair, modfficaton or disassembly; |2) improper operation or maintenance, usage not in accordance wfth product instructions or connection to improper voltage supply; or (3| use of consumables, such as replacement batteries, not supplied by logitecti except where such restriction is prohibited by applicable law How to obtain warranty support Before submitting a warranty claim, we recommend you visit the support section at www.togltech.com/supporr for technical assistance, Valid warranty claims are generally processed rrwough the pant of purchase dunng the first thirty (30) days after puichase; r-owever, this period of time may vary depending on where you purchased your product - please check wi'h Logitech or the retailer where you purchased your product for details. Warranty claims that cawat be processed through the poirt of purchase and any other product related questions should be Addressed directty to Logitech. The addresses and customer service contact information for Logitech ran be found in the documentation accompanying your product jnd on the web at www Jogltechxom/support Limitation Of liability. LOGITECH SHALL NOT BE t lAfilE FC8 ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE OR DATA (WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT) OR COMMERCIAL LOSS FOR BREACH Of ANY EXPRESS OR IMFtlfD WARRANTY ON YOUR PRODUCT EVEN IF LOGITECH HAS BEEN ADVISED Of THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Duration of Implied warranties. EXCEPT TO THf EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MFRCHANTABIIITY OK FITNESS FOR A fiARTKUlAR PURPOSE OF THIS HARDWARE PROEXICT IS LIMITED W DURATION TO THf DURATION OF THf AffttCABtt UWTFD WARRANTY PfttODfOR ^OUR pROOLiCT. Additional Riant*. tare states do not aftow UmAations on to* k*»Q art implied warranty lasts, or alljw the «dusion or Imitation of incidental or i onsequential damages, so the above limitations or ejrtjswn ftiay not apply toyou. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also haws other lights thai \ary from State to State or by country <;r other jurisdiction, National Statutory Right*, fonsuiners have legal rights under appJicafcle national legislation govemiryj the sale of consuner goods. Such rights are not affected by the war unties m thh Limited Warranty. No Other Wefrantiet. No 1 ogltfich dealer. agent, (rf empkjyee K authorved to make any moditratiori, cxtensim, or addition to this warranty, Logitech Limited Hardwire Warranty - for Australian market oi^y logttech warrant* to (he original purchaser that your tugitech hardware produc t than be free from detect* in materia* and workmanship for the length ot time identified on your product paccage and/or contained In your user uocuiwrtatw IfommetiatBofpufchas^. YOJ may alio find this information by selecting your product m the Online Support section of our website at wwwJogrtechrrjnVsupport, iw:ept where prohibited by aprrflrabte iaw. this warranty is nontransferablfi and K Imited to the original purchaser. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, 4rvJ you may also have other rights thai vary unaW iocst laws. ftemedlM. Logitech's entire liability ard youi ewrlusiv* temedy for any breach ut warranty shall be, at Logitech's optional) to replace the Iwrdware, or (2) to refund the price paid, provided that the hardware Is returned to the point of purchase or vuch other place as Logitech may direct with proof ot purchase such as a copy of the tales receipt or dated ffierwec receipt. Shipping and handling charges may appfy acept when prohibited by applicable law. Logitech may, at its option, u;e new or lefurbished or used parts in gcod working condrhon to repine any hardware-product Any replacement hardware product will be warranted for the jemamder of 'he original warranty period. fhts warranty does not cover problems or damage resisting from (1) accident, abuse, misapplication, or any irauthorzed repa&, modrfkation or dfsasseiibfy; (2) improper operation or maintenance, u^age not in accordance with pradurt nstojettans or connection to Improper voltage supply; or (1) use of consumables, iuch as replacement batteries, not supped by Logitech earept where such esthctun is prohibited by applicable law, How to Obtain Warranty Support Before submitting a warranty claim, we ecommend you vrsil the support sectton at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. for technral assistance. Vdhd warranty claims are yenerairy processed through the point of (jurrhase during the first thirty (30] days after purchase; however, this perod of time may vary depending on where you purchased your product - rdease check with Logitech or the retailer where ^ou purchased your nroduct tor detaaV Warranty claims that cannot be processed thrown the point of purchase and any other product related questions should be addressed directly to Logitech. The addresses dod customer service contact Information tor l#jitech can be found in the documentation accompanying your product and on the web at wwwJoglech .com tor technical assistance. Valid warranty clan* *eoeneralV proces«*d through me point ol purchase during the frst thirty (*>) days after purrtiaie; however thK period of hme may vary dependiftQ en where you purchased ynm product - please thech wirti Logftrt n ui ine starter where you ptavtwd your prcduct for details, Warranty »Uum mal t anrtut t*- processed through the point ut purchase and any othei prod»* t related que^iorh %hc*M he aotjressed directly to .ogltech. The addresses 4«d customer '^ervire contact information for l ogltech can be found in tfte documentation accompanying, your product anrf on the web at www logitech .rom/contactu*. Limitation of Liability. lOQTfCH SHAU NOf liF t lAHtl TOR ANY SPFOAL, INDIRECT, INt'lPfNTAI ORCONSrQlirWTW OAMAGfS WHAtSOrvTRjrSHlUDthfcBUI NOT LiMiTfp rn toss OF pptir rrs, REVFNI ir OR I KIA (WHiTHf R DIRECT i * INDIRECT) OR I OMMrRT.M UKS i i IR HRfAf H Of ANY OCPREVi OR IMPtlf D WARRANTY ON YOt tR HRODUT f VTN (K U "UK H HAS fiFfN ADVISED OF THf PCSSWLITY OF SUCH l lAMAt JS vime juiiuartion* ifo not allow the artustan or limitation of special, indirn i. tix uMitii n i onseouenhal damages, so the above limitation or rtcrlusion $3 inay nnl .i|>|<ty toyon Duration of Implied Warrant!**. EXCEPT TO THF fXTFNf PROHIBITED BY APR I» AM I I AW. AN, iMPl (f D WARRANTY OR <.DNDIT)ON OF MERCHANTABIllTY OR I ITNl to I (* A i'AW L It ARIIJRPOSF ON THIS HARDWARE PRODUCT IS LIMITED IN HORAItON UNIK ) >[lKAFIONt)f THf APPIICABLFIIMTTFD WARRANTY PERIOD FOR YOUR PW' tf u k t i ir n ii iw tfc t tons i In not ataw limitations on how long an implied warranty Uti, *> thv jhow Hrnllatinn may not apply to yoi. National Statutory Rlflhti. including. Auitralla Comumere liave legal rights under applicable national legislation goweming the sale of consumer goodf. Such right* are not affected by the warranties in this limited Warranty, You rnay^haw the "benefits of certain rights or remedies pursuant to the Trade Practices Act; V)74 (Cth) and similar State and Territory laws in Australia in respect of which liability may not be excluded or restricted. The prnvwons of ttvK l united Warranty ape Mjbject tn, and do not affect, these rights and remedies. No Othar Warranties No t ogitech dealeriagerrt, or employee h authorized to mate any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. Logitech Address Address: Level 2,60S Liverpool Road, Strathfleld South Zip City: NSW 2136 Country: Australia Phone «: 61 (0)2 9764 8300 Fax #: 61 (0)2 9642 0151
Logitech Wireless Combo MK220
Logitech Wireless Combo MK220

 and here is the graphical information for the setup of Logitech Wireless Combo MK220;

Logitech Wireless Combo MK220
Logitech Wireless Combo MK220

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